The Know Now Webinar Series
Shaw Bransford & Roth hosts two webinars each quarter to keep the federal workforce and law enforcement informed. Join and gain insights on the latest news affecting you, direct from the experts.
Safeguarding Your Security Clearance: Your Guide to a Successful SF-86
Avoid the common mistakes applicants make on SF-85 or SF-86 that could delay or disqualify you from a job you worked hard to achieve. Join us on June 29 at 11 AM EDT as the Attorneys at Shaw Bransford & Roth cover the top five mistakes we see applicants make on their security clearance and suitability forms, and how to avoid them.
For 40 years, SBR has seen the gambit of applicant errors in the security clearance process–let us help!
How To: Avoid a Giglio Issue in Your Career
The potential to create Giglio material lurks within the federal law enforcement community. While many LEOs are aware of the consequences of becoming Giglio impaired, they probably don’t realize how easily their routine performance of job duties and off duty conduct may trigger these consequences.
In this live webinar, an attorney from Shaw Bransford & Roth will explain the Giglio rule and processes and identify considerations to minimize your risk of creating a Giglio issue for yourself.
Defending Yourself Against a Subordinate’s EEO Complaint
Federal managers often make the mistake in believing their agency's Office of General Counsel (OGC) will provide individualized counsel on how to respond to the subordinate’s EEO complaint and support them through the process. While the federal agency is the legal defendant in an EEO complaint, the accused manager has a duty to cooperate which can personally expose the manager to disciplinary action even if there is no legal finding.
In this live webinar, an attorney from Shaw Bransford & Roth will explain the EEO process, each participant’s obligations, and what a manager should do to protect their own personal employment interests.
Inside Santos: Landmark Decision Requiring Agency Justification of a PIP
On March 11, 2021, in a landmark opinion, a panel of Federal Circuit judges ruled that, contrary to decades of MSPB rulings, the plain language of a statutory provision of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 required the agency to establish that an employee had unsatisfactory performance both before and during the PIP.
In this live webinar, an attorney from Shaw Bransford & Roth will explain the Federal Circuit's holding and its practical application for agencies.