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We have the legal and policy experience to provide insight and analysis on issues across all three branches of the federal government.

Our lawyers specialize in federal employment law, federal government investigations, and security clearance proceedings. Members of the legal team are able to provide background or comment on the complexities of federal hiring and removal laws and novel legal and constitutional questions governing the federal workforce.

Our government and public affairs thought leaders are experienced in all areas of federal workforce policy and are able to speak on presidential actions relating to the federal workforce, agency human capital initiatives, and Congressional legislation impacting federal management and workforce planning.

If you are a member of the press, please contact Director of Government & Public Affairs Jason Briefel at

Featured Stories

Appeals board protecting federal workers unable to function because of vacant positions

Norah O’Donnell interviewed SBR Partner Debra Roth for a 60 Minutes story on vacancies at the Merit Systems Protection Board.

NAPA 2020 Fall Meeting on Modernizing and Reinvigorating the Public Service NAPA Fellow Jeff Neal sits down with SBR Director of Government & Public Affairs Jason Briefel for a discussion on how to reinvigorate and modernize public service.

NAPA 2020 Fall Meeting on Modernizing and Reinvigorating the Public Service

NAPA Fellow Jeff Neal sits down with SBR Director of Government & Public Affairs Jason Briefel for a discussion on how to reinvigorate and modernize public service.

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